To measure technology readiness, the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) scale is commonly used. This scale provides a structured approach to assess the maturity of a technology from its initial concept to its full deployment. Here’s a detailed explanation of how to measure technology readiness using the TRL scale:
Technology Readiness Level (TRL) Scale
The TRL scale consists of nine levels, each representing a different stage of technological maturity:
TRL 1: Basic Principles Observed
Scientific research begins, and initial observations and reports are made. Focus is on new discovery rather than practical applications.
TRL 2: Technology Concept Formulated
Basic principles are studied, and practical applications are speculated. Theoretical research is conducted to support the concept.
TRL 3: Experimental Proof of Concept
Active research and development (R&D) are initiated. Experiments validate the analytical predictions of separate elements of the technology.
TRL 4: Technology Validated in Lab
Basic technological components are integrated to establish that they will work together. The technology is tested in a controlled environment.
TRL 5: Technology Validated in Relevant Environment
The basic technological components are integrated with reasonably realistic supporting elements. The technology is tested in an environment that represents the real-world conditions.
TRL 6: Technology Demonstrated in Relevant Environment
A representative model or prototype system is tested in a relevant environment. The technology is demonstrated in a simulated operational environment.
TRL 7: System Prototype Demonstration in Operational Environment
A prototype is near or at the planned operational system. The technology is demonstrated in an operational environment.
TRL 8: System Complete and Qualified
The technology has been proven to work in its final form and under expected conditions. The technology is ready for full-scale deployment.
TRL 9: Actual System Proven in Operational Environment
The actual system is proven through successful mission operations. The technology is fully operational and has been used in its intended environment.
Application of TRL in Technology Readiness Assessment (TRA)
A Technology Readiness Assessment (TRA) is a systematic process of evaluating the maturity and feasibility of a technology or innovation before adopting or deploying it. Here’s how the TRL scale is applied in a TRA:
Identify the Current TRL: Determine the current TRL of the technology based on its development stage and the evidence available from experiments and tests.
Set Target TRL: Define the target TRL that the technology needs to achieve for successful deployment or commercialization. This target is often set based on the requirements of the intended application or market.
Gap Analysis: Conduct a gap analysis to identify the steps needed to move from the current TRL to the target TRL. This involves planning additional experiments, tests, and development activities.
Risk Assessment: Evaluate the risks associated with each step in the development process and plan mitigation strategies to address these risks. This includes technical risks, schedule risks, and cost risks.
Resource Allocation: Allocate resources, including funding, personnel, and equipment, to support the development activities required to reach the target TRL.
Monitoring and Reporting: Continuously monitor the progress of the technology development and report on the status of the TRL at regular intervals. This helps in making informed decisions and adjusting plans as needed.
Medical Devices: A new medical device might start at TRL 3 with experimental proof of concept and progress through lab validation (TRL 4), relevant environment testing (TRL 5), and prototype demonstration (TRL 6-7) before reaching full commercial deployment (TRL 8-9).
Software Development: A new software application might start at TRL 2 with a technology concept and progress through various stages of development, including lab validation (TRL 4), relevant environment testing (TRL 5), and prototype demonstration (TRL 6-7), before reaching full deployment (TRL 8-9).