What are the specific JDBC packages that need to be imported for database programming?
To facilitate database programming in Java using JDBC, you need to import specific packages that contain the necessary classes and interfaces. The primary package you need to import is java.sql, which provides the core classes and interfaces for JDBC operations. Here are the key packages and some of their important components:
java.sql Package:
Connection: Interface for establishing a connection with a database.
Statement: Interface for executing static SQL statements and returning the results.
PreparedStatement: Subinterface of Statement used for executing precompiled SQL statements with or without input parameters.
CallableStatement: Interface used to execute SQL stored procedures.
ResultSet: Interface for accessing the results of executing a query.
ResultSetMetaData: Interface for getting metadata about the columns in a ResultSet.
DatabaseMetaData: Interface for getting metadata about the database.
SQLException: Exception class for handling SQL errors.
javax.sql Package (optional, for advanced features):
DataSource: Interface for establishing a connection to a database, often used in enterprise applications for connection pooling.
ConnectionPoolDataSource: Interface for providing physical database connections to a connection pool.
XADataSource: Interface for distributed transaction management.