When people are using the toilet, their main occupation is typically related to the act of defecation itself. This involves the elimination of waste from the body, which includes the passage of stool through the rectum and anus. People may also engage in activities such as reading, using their phones, or simply relaxing while on the toilet.For children, toilet training is an important part of their development. This process involves teaching them to recognize the bodily signals for urination and bowel movements and to use a potty chair or toilet appropriately. Children need to learn various skills, such as pulling up pants, throwing toilet paper in the toilet, flushing, and washing their hands.
In some cases, individuals may need assistance with toileting due to physical or cognitive impairments. Occupational therapists, for example, may assist clients in managing toileting while lying in bed, which includes skills like donning and doffing briefs. Toilet attendants are also employed to clean and maintain toilet facilities, ensuring they meet company standards and policies.Overall, the main occupation while pooping is the act of defecation, but people may also engage in various other activities depending on their circumstances and needs.