Unique and Special Christmas Traditions Around the World
Christmas is a time for unique and special family traditions that vary widely around the world. Here are some interesting and unique ways families celebrate the holiday:
Yule Lads in Iceland: In Iceland, children look forward to the 13 mischievous Yule Lads who visit homes in the 13 nights leading up to Christmas. Each night, a different Yule Lad leaves small gifts in children's shoes, provided they have been good.
KFC Christmas in Japan: In Japan, it's a tradition to eat KFC on Christmas Day. This unique custom started with a successful marketing campaign in the 1970s and has since become a beloved tradition.
Hiding Broomsticks in Norway: In Norway, it is customary to hide broomsticks on Christmas Eve. This tradition stems from the belief that witches and evil spirits come out on Christmas Eve and will take the brooms to ride on.
The Pooping Log in Catalonia: In Catalonia, Spain, a unique tradition involves the Caga Tió, or "pooping log." Children feed and cover the log with a blanket to keep it warm, and on Christmas Eve, they hit the log with sticks until it "poops" out small gifts and treats.
Mari Lwyd in Wales: In Wales, the Mari Lwyd is a unique Christmas tradition where a decorated horse skull is carried from house to house. The horse's head is covered with a white sheet, and the tradition involves singing and poetry competitions.
Hanging Advent Calendars in Germany: In Germany, it is common to hang Advent calendars. These calendars have small doors or pockets, each containing a treat or a small toy, and are used to count down the days until Christmas.
Eating 12 Grapes at Midnight in Spain: In Spain, it is traditional to eat 12 grapes at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve. Each grape represents good luck for one month of the coming year.
The Giant Christmas Goat in Sweden: In Gävle, Sweden, a giant straw goat is erected in the town square each Christmas. This goat has become a symbol of the holiday season, and although it is often the target of arsonists, it remains a beloved tradition.
These unique traditions highlight the diverse ways in which families around the world celebrate Christmas, each adding a special touch to the holiday season.