People have a wide array of weird habits, some of which may seem unusual but are quite common. Here are a few examples:
Talking to Themselves: Many people engage in self-talk, which can be a way to process thoughts, solve problems, or simply keep themselves company. This habit can be seen as a form of self-soothing or a way to organize one's thoughts.
Chewing Non-Food Items: Some individuals have the habit of chewing on non-food items like hair bobbles or the ends of pens. This can be a form of stress relief or a way to keep the mouth busy.
Impulsive Thoughts About Babies: There are people who have sudden, impulsive thoughts about babies or small children, which can be anything from a desire to protect them to random thoughts about their cuteness.
Measuring Time in Songs: Some people measure time in songs. For example, they might think, "This task will take about three songs to complete," which can be a quirky way to keep track of time without looking at a clock.
Saving the Best for Last: This habit involves keeping the best part of a meal or a treat for last, as a way to prolong the enjoyment. It's a common practice that many people find satisfying.
Not Removing Plastic Protectors: There are individuals who keep the plastic protectors on their new devices for an extended period, sometimes even indefinitely. This can be due to a desire to keep the device in pristine condition or simply out of habit.
Conversations with Themselves: Engaging in internal dialogues or having conversations with oneself is a common habit. This can help in decision-making, problem-solving, or simply providing company to oneself.
These habits, while unusual to some, are part of the diverse ways people interact with their environments and manage their daily lives.